HeyGen makes it easy to work together on videos with Spaces and simple user management tools. This guide will show you how to add, manage, and work with your team in HeyGen Spaces to get the best results.
How to Invite Team Members to Join Your Space
Inviting your team members to join your space is quick and easy. On your home screen, click your name at the top left, then select Invite team members. You can invite them by entering their email address or by copying and sharing an invite link (be sure to enable the 'Invite by link' option).
For both options, you can select the Role you want to assign to your team members when sending their email invite or sharing the link.
Users Roles
As a Super Admin, you can assign roles to users either before sending an invite or after they've joined. To manage roles, use the 'Members' tab in Space Settings.
Viewer Role: Can view content in the space but cannot create anything new.
Creator Role: Can create avatars, videos, voices, and other content on the platform.
Developer Role: Can create content and access APIs for features like Interactive Avatars and other API-based tools.
Super Admin Role: Includes all the above capabilities, plus the ability to remove content, purchase tiers/features, and invite users to the space.
Space Discovery
Team Space Discovery lets users with the same company domain find and join their teammates' Spaces. This feature is available on Team and Enterprise plans and can be turned on or off by the Space's Super Admin.
Enabling Team Space Discovery
These settings can be managed in the Members tab within Space Settings. This is another place you can your invite team members using a link or email invite.
Enabling Request To Join
When Request to Join is enabled, users cannot access a Space until their requests are approved by the Super Admin. To join a Space, users can click on Find team members via the left navigation bar of the Dashboard. Super Admins will receive notifications for join requests and approvals, ensuring smooth collaboration within the team.
Set Initial Role
Here you can set the default role for users who join the space through discovery.
Access Control
You can manage access to your folder or project by clicking the three dots on the side and selecting the option that works best for you and your team. There are three sharing options:
Private: Only the Space Admin and content owner (if they're different users) can access the content. This setting minimizes sharing.
Specific Collaborators: Choose specific team members to access the content and assign them view or edit permissions. These collaborators must already be part of your space and have a role higher than Viewer to edit the folder.
All Collaborators: Grant access to everyone in your space, with the option to set view or edit permissions for all at once. Individual user roles still apply—Viewers will only have viewing access, even if the setting is set to edit.
Sub-spaces: Manage Multiple Teams or Projects
Managing multiple teams or projects within HeyGen can get complicated, especially when different teams need different levels of access. That’s where Sub-spaces come in! With this feature, you can create separate environments, assign members, and control billing or API settings effortlessly.
Sub-spaces are separate environments within a HeyGen account that allow for better team and project management. Each Sub-space has its own members, permissions, and settings.
Sub-spaces help agencies and enterprises control access, billing, and API usage across different teams or clients. Sub-spaces can be configured to share or separate resources such as billing, avatars, API keys and templates.
🛎️ Note: This feature is currently only available for Enterprise users.
Interested? Learn more about Sub-Spaces here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does this setting work on all domains?
No, domain settings only work with non-public domains. Public domains like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc., do not support this feature.
Can I make my space available to other domains?
Currently, only the domain associated with your account is supported for Team Space Discovery. If you need support for additional domains, please provide that feedback to us.