When using music from Pixabay as background music in your videos, you may occasionally receive Content ID claims from YouTube if the video is uploaded there.
Content ID claims can result in the following issues:
Blocking the video from being viewed.
Monetizing the video by running ads, sometimes with revenue shared with the claimant.
Tracking viewership statistics on the content.
For more details about Content ID and how it works, you can learn more here: Youtube Content ID
So, how can we remove it? (original article from Pixabay)
Step 0: Get License (Prepare the material)
Search the name of the music in Plxabay, download the license.
Step 1: Find Claim
Go to youtube, choose the video, Click "See Details” in video that has "content ID claim" in Youtube.
Step 2: Start Dispute Process
Select Action
, and a menu will appear. Under Do you have rights to this content?, clickDispute
.Tick My dispute isn't based on any of the reasons above. I would still like to dispute this Content ID claim.
Then, click
Step 3: Permissions
Tick License: I have permission or a license to use the content claimed in my video
.Tick the license box: I have permission to use the content from the copyright owner.
Step 4: Signature
Copy and paste the license from the .txt license file you downloaded from Pixabay.
Next, if you agree, tick all three boxes under Please review the statements below and check the boxes to agree.
Then, enter your full name in the Signature box and click
Once you submit the dispute, the claim will be cleared within 96 hours at most.